12.04.2025 | EXIT w/ UEBERREST & IN VERRUF

Klub PAN
Engelbosteler Damm 07
30167 Hannover
23:00 Uhr
Meyer International GmbH
Alte Döhrener Str. 57
30173 Hannover
EXIT presents IN VERRUF & UEBERREST at PAN Hannover, GER

Driven to share the same bliss he experienced in dark and delirious underground spaces, In Verruf brings freedom and ecstasy to the dance floor.
He is defined by his profound respect for the liberation that raving brings and his determination to protect a culture of revelry that has existed for thousands of years. With a name that can be loosely translated as “in disgrace”, In Verruf confronts the dark reputation that the techno scene is notorious for and wreaks havoc in the club with his distinctively bold and scorching sound, that has only become more potent since his move to Berlin. Signed by R Label Group in 2019, he joined the ranks of their anarchic movement, bringing a cutting edge to dance floors. His first release, featuring the hit “Too Much DMT”, was a raging success. With production skills comfortably under his belt, In Verruf is now evolving into his identity as a DJ, delivering hair-raising sets that are both thrilling and poignant at the same time.

UEBERREST is considered one of techno's fast rising DJs and producers, having helped pioneer a sound that is at once deep, fast and aggressive.


Early Bird Phase 1


18.00 €

Early Bird Phase 2

20.00 €

Regular Ticket

25.00 €
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Handling€ 0,00
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