Hangar No. 5
Völgerstr. 5
30519 Hannover
22:00 Uhr
Meyer International GmbH
Alte Döhrener Str. 57
30173 Hannover
We invite you to our 6th Indoor Rave at the warehouse Hangar No. 5 in Hannover on Wed. 28.05.25 (Himmelfahrt).

The EXIT Indoor Rave stands for an intimate, dance floor oriented experience with a massive sound! We will install a big Funktion One sound system, introduce a modern light production and create a Boiler Set-Up. Let us feel free and connect eye to eye with the artists on the dance floor. EXIT is a liberal, open-minded place that encourages diversity, tolerance & equality.

Born and raised in Germany, Lilly's real musical journey started in Zurich, where she spent a lot of time with the great and thriving underground scene. Her dedication to music grew stronger and stronger, eventually leading to the decision to fully immerseherself in the world of the underground in 2015!Lilly's sound and style have evolved to new dimensions. Her versatility and savvy definitely brought her sound to higher spheres and Peaktime Techno has become her signature sound.
Through her productions, she adds her personal touch to each set and often, as with her Mainstage set at Tomorrowland 2023, the majority of the tracks she performed were her own.

In Lee-Ann Roberts’ hands, even the hardest techno can have subtlety and soul. The Amsterdam-based, South African-born artist has become a prominent force in the global techno scene thanks to her fierce determination and vibrant creative touch. She leads with her own NowNow label – a self-reliant platform which nods to the South African colloquialism meaning ‘soon’, a call to surrender to the moment and follow where the music takes you. It’s a mantra she’s lived by as her career has sharply risen, debuting on Spanish label Suara with ‘Miyamoto’ and instantly scoring number two on Beatport’s Hard Techno chart. She’s simultaneously been growing NowNow with her own productions dropping alongside remixes from verified legends like D.A.V.E. The Drummer, Jay Clarke and Jacidorex. Roberts’ first break came via her own show on Cape Town’s Mutha FM before she travelled to LA and found a home at legendary Hollywood nightclub AVALON. From Secret Solstice in Iceland to Caprices, BPM alongside Jeff Mills, DGTL and Verknipt in Amsterdam to countless other gigs across the world, Roberts has continually progressed, road-testing her tracks in the pressure-cooker situations she finds herself in every weekend. The vitality in Roberts’ sound undoubtedly comes from her broad outlook, inspired as much by the revolutionary misfits of rock as the visionary pioneers of electronic music. Her attraction to unusual and distinctive qualities in the music she makes and plays all add up to one of the most exciting forces in contemporary techno – a commanding presence that demands your full attention.



Early Bird Phase 1


29.00 €

Early Bird Phase 2

35.00 €

Regular Ticket

39.00 €

Gruppenticket (6er Ticket) (6er Ticket)

180.00 €
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Handling€ 0,00
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